The website provides you with content and services while adhering to certain rules and policies. As a user of this website, you are bound to adhere to the terms and conditions provided in the disclaimer below.
Content Disclaimer
All the material and services on our website is for general information and entertainment purposes. We try our best to bring you relevant and latest information, while maintaining a secure and enjoyable experience. However, we do not guarantee or take any responsibility of the accuracy, reliability, and appropriateness of any information found on this website.
Third Party Links and External Content
The website may contain third party links and featured content through different advertisements, which can take you directly to other sites or pages. We do not have any authority to check and analyze their authenticity and credibility, nor do we endorse anything offered by other third-party websites. Any activity on the part of user in relation to such external links and content is the sole responsibility of user. Please make sure to verify such links and other user-generated external content on your own to avoid any chance of a serious issue occurring.
Reliance on Information
Any information or content you use from our website is strictly on your own. We are in no way liable to the risks or consequences arising as a result of your reliance on such information. We also have no control over unauthorized access to data or alterations on the website. It is advised that you read out all the terms and conditions prior to agreeing to the use of services provided here.
This disclaimer may be updated occasionally in accordance with legal reasons. To know about its revised version, you are encouraged to visit the page regularly.
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