How to remove Alight Motion Watermark on CapCut?
While editing projects in Alight Motion App, users often face this frustration of a fully edited and ready video having watermark from Alight Motion. With CapCut in your hands, you do not need to worry. Just go through this article to know how to remove alight motion watermark on CapCut app. Follow the steps given below and boom! The watermark will disappear in a matter of seconds.
What are the solutions for removing the Alight Motion Watermark on CapCut?
CapCut doesn’t provide a feature for removing the watermark directly from the videos. There are a few methods that we’ve enlisted, by trying which you will get a watermark free final masterpiece.
Procedure # 1 — Cropping the Video
One technique to eliminate the watermark is to crop your video from the place where the watermark appears. By cropping, your final project will be free from watermark. But remember that it may affect the video in the form of content loss especially when the watermark appears on the main part of video. Cropping can offer an effective solution to eliminate the watermark but also has an impact on the overall aesthetics and composition of the video.
Step-by-step guide for the problem:
- Open the app and import the video.
- Drag and drop it into the timeline.
- Tap on the video in the timeline to select it.
- Tap on the “edit” button. In the editing option select “Crop” usually represented by a rectangular or square icon.
- Adjust the crop box on the watermark. Click on the “Apply” button to remove it.
- Preview the video to ensure that the watermark is gone.
- After you’re completely satisfied, export or save the video.
By following these steps you can delete the watermark from your video permanently.
Procedure # 2 — Third Party App Usage
Cropping results in the loss of content because it alters the composition of the video. You can try another method that gives a more satisfactory result. By using a third-party app you can remove the watermark. There are some mobile applications that offer the elimination of watermark. Following are the steps to remove the mark using other apps:
- In the app store, search for “Watermark Removal”.
- Select the app from the search results that match your requirements.
- Download and install the app on your device.
- Open the app and use the import feature to import your video.
- Blur or cover the watermark by using tools, adjust the intensity or size of the blur or cover effect according to your preference. Then save the video.
- Open the capcut, import that video without a watermark and start editing or you can also remove the watermark by first editing the video in capcut and then removing the watermark by a third-party app.
- At the end, export the video or save it on your device.
By using the third-party app you can effectively remove the watermark but ensure the reliability of app first. Keep in mind that some apps are paid or offer limited functionality in their free version.
Procedure # 3 — Upgrading to a Premium Level
If both of the above procedure don’t suit you, and you want to do the task in a more organized and official manner, then upgrade to CapCut Pro. CapCut Premium subscription offers exclusive benefits with access to all premium features of CapCut including watermark-free videos.
Here is the assistance on how you can upgrade to CapCut Premium:
- Open the in your device.
- Click on the “Settings” or “Profile” option.
- Search for the “premium” or “upgrade” option, and tap on it.
- To subscribe to the CapCut premium, follow the instructions provided by the app on the screen.
- After activation of the subscription, create and export the videos without a watermark.
This method requires a subscription but it’s a more official way to eliminate the Alight Motion Watermark. This method saves both your time and efforts, as the watermark is eliminated automatically by developers of this version of the app.
If you want to have Capcut pro features without having to pay for the app, download Capcut Mod Apk and enjoy all of its premium features.
CapCut is the best option for editing as it adds perfection to your editing skills with its feature-rich editing tools. But the presence of a watermark is a hindrance in the way of ownership and possession of the video. Say goodbye to this problem and tackle it with the methods mentioned above.
Each method has its own pros and cons but they still provide the solution for removing Alight Motion Watermark. So, choose the one that suits you the best.